Individual, Couples, or Family Therapy Sessions
Session time: 45-50 minutes for Individuals, Families, & Couples
60 minutes for Initial Intake
Session fees:
Initial Session-125.00
Cancellation Policy: Except in cases of emergency, a $45 fee is charged for cancelling less than 24 hours before a scheduled session. Cancellations need to be communicated by telephone, not email.
Insurance: I currently do not accept insurance. I can provide a superbill which you can submit to your insurance on your own.
A word about insurance: Most insurance companies allow a modest “Usual and Customary Rate” (UCR) as the most a provider can charge for services. If your insurance company allows a UCR of $60/hr. and requires you to pay a $50 co-pay, the insurance company is paying only $10/hr. Insurance companies often restrict the number of sessions allowed, demand a great deal of paperwork, and require a significant amount of personal information about you to be shared with them. Insurance coverage also typically requires a diagnosis, which will become a permanent part of your medical record. So, it’s worth considering whether or not to use your insurance. If you do have insurance, but would prefer not to use it for counseling, I will work with you on an out-of-pocket rate to match the UCR your policy allows.
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